I diplomati di 50 anni fa/Graduates of 50 years ago
1958 - 2008
Ritorna all'indice del Nautico/Index
Festa dell'A.S. 1956 - 1957
Festa dell'A.S. 1957 - 1958
Festa dell'A.S. 1958 - 1959

L'appuntamento di quest'anno ha visto ben ventisei Capitani che si erano diplomati nel 1958.
L'agenda degli eventi si è svolta come di consueto con due novità: la foto ricordo del gruppo dei diplomati è stata scattata sulla Terrazza Miramare, sul lungomare ed il pranzo conviviale si è svolto al Ristorante 7 Pance, sempre sul lungomare. Entrambe le scelte hanno incontrato la favorevole impressione di tutti i partecipanti.

Due studenti meritevoli dell'Istituto Nautico di Camogli (Bo e Delprino)
sono stati premiati dai "colleghi" di cinquant'anni prima (Sanguineti e Sturlese)
/Two graduating students of Camogli Nautical School have been awarded
by their colleagues before fifty years

Foto di gruppo sulla Terrazza Miramare/Photo of the celebrating ex-students of 1958

Clicca qui per vedere la lista dei Diplomati di Macchina e Coperta all'Istituto Nautico del 1958. Arrivederci al prossimo anno!

Also this year, the traditional meeting with those students that were graduated 50 years ago, will be celebrated at the Nautical School of Camogli. As usual,all the festivities have been organized by the Society of Sea Captains and naval Engineers of Camogli.
Indeed since 1975, centenary of its foundation, a commitee was built so as to propose to the Society to organize on a yearly base the celebration of the 50 yeard of graduation and, during the same occasion, the "medal of the centenary" was issued and today is still requested by the students and by the Members, so proud to have been graduated at the prestigious school..
Since then, the celebration is held each month of May along with a quite good number of partecipants. Sometimes is difficult to track those ex-students who left Camogli and went to live in other locations, but each time we can say that our research is successful.
On the day of the ceremony, we meet there not only students, but also Authorities, Members, their families and friends.